Messages from the President


National Institutes of Technology are higher education institutions that accept junior high school graduates and provide them with five years of integrated education to give them academic abilities and skills to the same level as that of university graduates. These National Institutes of Technology teach professional arts and sciences with the aim of giving their students the skills necessary to become promising professional engineers.

Our institute endeavors to enhance basic academic skills through general and specialized education so that it is also possible to handle future technological innovations. In particular, we aim for our students to acquire a good balance of scientific principles and techniques with regards to engineering by providing effective education through experiments and practice.

The skills of the graduates of our institute are highly praised in society (e.g. by government agencies, leading blue-chip corporations and local companies) and we maintain an extremely high employment rate. Moreover, those who wish to attempt to master even more deeply scientific principles will find the road widely open to admission to the third year of engineering faculties at universities across the country.


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